The Holiness Page

William Shields cannot be contacted as he was killed in an automobile accident. Please disregard all contact information

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This work has been provided by William Shiels. This section is being provided as a service to the Christian community and all content has been provided by the listed authors.

Exploring Holiness

Purity a Second Work of Grace


William Shiels


This work is an adventure in progress. It's focus is on the questions common to the new convert to Christ. More than that it is somewhat auto biographical. My own transformation throught the death of the carnal nature and the baptism with the Holy Spirit has clearly defined my lifes mission; To preach and teach the doctrine that distinguished "The Great Awakening" .

I believe that only the pure in heart can lead the Church to renewal. My prayer is that you will read the following pages with your mind open to history and the miracle of God's Second Work of Grace.

Acknowledgements: I thank God every day for my family who are a constant reminder of God's blessing to me. They share in the adventure of exploring holiness. To my wife Barbara the chief editor. To Forrest Slone a retired Methodist minister who is a mentor and friend who is my theological editor.

William Shiels
August 1996

Chapter 1 - Inbred Sin
Chapter 2 - Who are the pure in heart?
Chapter 3 - Achieving Holiness
Chapter 4 - Practical Holiness
Chapter 5 - What's a matter with the church?
Chapter 6 - Where are the Testimonies?
Chapter 7 - Is it Gods' intention that so few enter the sphere of holiness
Chapter 8 - Can you improve the fruit by polishing it?
Chapter 9 - What is Depravity?
Chapter 10 - Jars of Clay
Chapter 11 - Invisible Kingdom
Chapter 12 - The Holiness Seed it never rots
Chapter 13 - SEX and its place in the Christian Life
Chapter 14 - License to Sin
Chapter 15 - The Doctrine Council
Chapter 16 - Sanctification & Justification
Chapter 17 - Backsliding

Major Work by Forrest Sloan - What's in a Name?