Chapter 10

Jars of clay

" But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." (2 Cor. 4:7)

Superman, Wonder woman, even Bugs Bunny is invincible in the world of Looney Tunes. Most consider their life boring and mundane compared to the standard Hollywood fare. Life has played a horrible game with the dreams of men. We enter adulthood believing in fantasy and slowly reality sands away our options until we drag our feet in humble submission to some higher power. Power is the appropriate word. First we trade short term pleasure for debt. Then casual intimacy for peace. Before you know it you are working for a boss you don't like in a company you don't believe in. Going home to a house you will never pay for. Even God is sold in a church that looks more like theater than blessing. God is not a quick fix and faith is not a half hour infomercial designed to bring you prosperity. In fact the world of faith is invisible.

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Cor. 4:18)

A perfect gift in jars of clay

It is a bizaare thought. Pearl of greatest price wrapped in newspaper. We are the paper. The gift is the personality of Christ managed by the divine Spirit of God. A human vessel cracked and scarred by brokenness, yet glowing from within with the very grace of God. Holiness is God's original intention for man. Chapter three describes the miracle of the Shikinah Glory. Moses was transformed by his encounter with the divine. His face was aglow with godly radiance. "Put a veil over his face. We cannot stand the brightness of God". Imagine a person so inflamed by God. This is His will for us all.

" And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."(2 Cor. 3:18)

But why jars of clay?

It's anti American. The good old American work ethic teaches us to work hard and grow rich. How can weakness be strength and poverty wealth? Entire sanctification is an anointing that empowers a believer for works of faith. The fact that what we do seems impossible to the world is just the way God wants it. There can be no question that it is God who works in us. His strength not ours.

" But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. [8] We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; [9] persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. [10] We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body."(2 Cor. 4:7-10)

Hard pressed not crushed...
Perplexed not in despair...
Persecuted but not abandoned...
Struck down but not destroyed...

What kind of power is this? Hardship and pain invested like gold in an invisible world of faith. Fantasy is escape. Faith is eternal. When we submit to the will of the Spirit we are partaking of the divine nature of God. This life is a temporary tour of duty and the human vessel will be resurrected immortal. Your soul is eternal and it will endure time to share in the glory of the one for whom you live. If you are continually investing in earthly desire and wealth you will spend eternity recalling the foolishness of your choice. Satan has corrupted the world and he is rushing from soul to soul trying to pervert God's plan.

A perfect gift in an imperfect vessel.

There is no greater testimony to second grace then that of a broken man healed from selfish cravings like drink or lustful thinking or temper out of control. Anger defused by the touch of the masters hand reformed into gentle focused works of faith. Your earthly mutation caused by inherited nature can be eradicated. Constant haunting desire for success and power can be replace with peace in the center of worldly storm. Your weakness will become His strength. Your stuttering His eloquent soliloquy of perfect grace.

To you it is a cracked pot of worthless clay. To God it is the very Ark of the Covenant. Tablets of gold... Aaron's budding rod... manna in the desert... To the world it seems like fantasy, but to you it is a daily walk hand in hand with the Creator of all things. You were created for this moment in time to be the vessel of divine nature. To carry to your mixed up world the very light of God. To bring hope where darkness rules. To walk in light bearing a perfect reflection of the power of the living God.

Just as He who once fashioned the frame of the Matterhorn condescended to become a baby born of a virgin. You, are a simple jar of clay. Surrender your human form to carry His Spirit of hope into darkness. A perfect gift in an imperfect earthen vessel.

Will God move into a dirty pot?

Those who hold on to cherished sin exclude themselves from their divine destiny. There is no such thing as a carnal Christian but there are sinners who are convinced that their goodness will secure a place in heaven. What they do not understand is the heaven they await is counterfeit. They will arrive at judgement with dirty hands and impure hearts and spend eternity in torment. We hear too little of the cost of feeding the selfish desires of the flesh. Hell fire is real and standing in awe of its terrible beauty will not diminish its pain. God will not dwell in a dirty vessel. is it your desire to become the vessel of the living God. He will grant your wish but He will not move in until you clean house. You must scrub the interior of your soul and offer yourself in full surrender, then He will sanctify you holy.

How can you know if you are entirely sanctified?

Simple. Your perspective is changed and what was once a burden is now the very kingdom of God. Present position and frustration is transformed into works of faith. Success is not where you are going but where you are. Chaos does not go away. It is transformed into fertile ground in the hand of God. Here you stand with a bag of seed knowing God will water and your life will bear fruit unto eternity. Do you see the implications of this gift in jars of clay? The vessel of God. Passing through a world in desperate need of a Savior. He is Christ the Lord, who takes away the sin of the world.

Will you die to self and commit to the priesthood of believers? Will you trade your world of short term pleasure and plastic honor for a position on the front line of the battle for souls?