
by C. W. Andreasen

(rev. 1/16/23)

This paper is solely for the purpose of expanding on some basic assumptions I use and how I arrive at them.

The first is that time is part of creation:

Time” has little meaning because Einstein proved mathematically that time is part of creation and is all interconnected with the rest of the universe. Time is not a constant and does not move at the same rate everywhere in the universe. Time is part of our universe.

We experience ‘time’ and yet cannot comprehend a place that has no time, but look at the facts as discovered by science.

Let me first make the statement that science is not at odds with God, the reverse is true, the deeper science digs into creation, the more we see God. Ungodly people will be blind to the truth, but it is the truth nevertheless.

We know that time is part of the universe, thus part of creation because like a formula, any change in one element reflects in other things that change, to bring it all back into balance. We are taught that time is constant, but we have proved it is not. Speed greatly affects the speed of time. Science has proven this fact by putting a super-accurate atomic clock in orbit and it rotates around the Earth at very high speed. Over a period of many years there is a measurable time shift as compared to an identical clock sitting on Earth. Einstein predicted this mathematically and it has proven to be fact.

We know that the faster we go the slower time moves. If we were in a spaceship traveling at near light speed, time would seem normal to us on the spaceship but as compared to Earth, it is not. If this spaceship is gone for one year, on Earth maybe 50 years on Earth will pass. What’s the difference what the rate of time is? Not much, wherever we are we experience it simply as time, and how it relates to the rest of the universe is meaningless unless we are able to compare the different rates. Time is like motion, or speed. It has no meaning unless compared against something else. An example; you are in a moving car and measure speed by distance traveled over a measured time, but the car is on the Earth that is spinning at 1000 miles per hour (at the equator), and the Earth is rotating around the Sun, which is rotating around a spinning galaxy, which is expanding at a high rate of speed. What is your absolute speed? As measured against what? If you were in a spaceship way out in void space, how could you even know if you were moving or not? You can only compare against something you can detect. Time and speed have no meaning unless compared against something else.

Science has found that the universe is expanding away from the point of the “Big Bang” with the furthest reaches moving nearly the speed of light but the closer we get to the point of the creation, the slower the speed of expansion (makes sense, else we would all be bunched together). Science can measure the speed of expansion by mapping the shift of colors (Doppler Shift), like can be demonstrated with a passing train blowing it’s horn. As it approaches the pitch is higher than the actual pitch, as it passes the pitch jumps lower because it is moving away from us. The police RADAR measures a cars speed the same way, using reflected radio waves bounced off the car. Measure the difference between the frequency sent and compare it with the frequency received, and the difference tells the RADAR unit the speed of the car.

The same principle governs all ‘waves’ be it audio, radio, microwave, or light. In short, we have learned what kind of light any given type of star gives off and by measuring the shift in color (frequency) we can calculate the speed it is moving away from us. Proven is that the expansion rate is different depending where one is in the universe, thus time is affected by the speed at the point of measurement.

Gravity also affects time. The mystery to Science, where all models break down, is the “Black Hole”.

The Black Hole has been proven to exist, even though it cannot be seen, since the impossibly strong gravity does not even allow light to escape. As one approaches (in theory) a Black Hole time slows down to a point where it ceases to exist. We don’t know what is in the center of a Black Hole because everything becomes so foreign that all mathematical models break down.. It is like in the computer world, early on it was discovered that there was an unsolvable problem that had to be protected against. A computer cannot divide zero by zero, trying would crash the computer. There is a limit to math.

As an aside, God demonstrates His sense of humor by making the ratio of a circle to it’s diameter impossible to calculate precisely. It is called “Pi” and it is an important part of mathematics, yet it is impossible to precisely define. How did God do that?

Now back to the subject of time. What we have proven is that “time” is directly tied to the universe, it is a function of the universe. Without time the universe just would not add up. This is to say that time is part of the created universe and it exist only within the universe. When I say “does not add up” it is like 2+2=4, that is correct, but if I change one of the numbers as in 2+1=4 it does not add correctly, the answer is forced to change, 2+1=3, the left and right side of the equal sign must balance.

God created the universe (The Bible tells me so). It was created from nothing because until created there would logically be nothing. We cannot understand this concept. God had to be outside of the universe because before He created the universe, He could not be in it, thus God is outside of our universe, not part of it, not contained within it. Time outside of our universe does not exist, we cannot understand that, but it explains how God always was and always will be. We literally cannot break our minds out of the time dimension so we cannot understand this, we just have to accept this truth.

We can also deduce from this that if God is in ‘Heaven’, Heaven is not in this universe. Further logical proof would be that when God destroys this universe, as we are told He will at the end of time, and makes it anew, he must be outside of the universe. (it is interesting to note that the term “end of time” may well be the end of what we call time)

Another thought to think about; Jesus said “I and the Father are one” and He told us he was going to be with His Father. He said; “no one has seen the Father except the Son”, and he said; “Where I am going you cannot follow”. When the New Earth is created, God descends and lives with men. What this means is we do not immediately go to ‘Heaven’ when we die but more likely we enter a “place” where time does not exist so there is no passage of time before we meet our maker. We die and we are immediately with Christ, even if in Earthly time thousands of years may have passed.

We as humans are locked in time, yet on the grand scale of things, time is almost meaningless.