Why it is necessary to Love and Serve God

From time to time, over the years, I have pondered the question of why God requires our praise and worship. In human terms it seems rather narcissistic. Why would God create us just to worship Him? There has never been any doubt that God deserves our adoration and praise, but why?

The answer came to me yesterday. The simple answer is because "God is Love". I cannot fully understand the depth of that statement and it is so simple it sounds like a throw-away statement, but we have examples in life.

God first created Adam to be a friend. He used to visit the Garden of Eden and fellowship with Adam, then God created Eve to help Adam  [care for the Garden]... a helpmate and a partner. Then they sinned and were separated, mankind, from God. God loves His creation and we were created to be part of His family but we are separated by Sin.

In human terms we think of human love. What is worse than loving someone who will not love us back?

Why do we get a dog?

The answer is we want a dog because we love the dog and the dog loves us back. We want what is best for the dog, we provide for all of it's needs, the dog looks to us for everything from food to protection, and in return we form a bond. We love the dog and the dog loves us. The dog becomes a member of the family. This love only works because the dog loves us back. If the dog was indifferent and showed no interest in the owner, there would be no purpose in having a dog. Love is a two-way thing. Unrequited love is awful, it must be in both directions to work. I love you and you love me, and we are complete. I love you and you do not love me, this is unacceptable. One-way love does not work.

God loves us and when we love God back we become part of the family of God. Love is everything, and God the Father sent his Son to provide a way for us to shed the chains of sin. There is no greater love. The entire secret is the love we have between us, and we are then adopted to become part of God's family.

What I have said goes so much deeper but I do express the basic concept. To love one needs to be loved in return.