Jesus, Why He Had to Die
rev 7.1.23
C. W. Andreasen
Most Christians know Jesus died on the cross. I will try to cover the background and reason this had to happen.
Several points:
Once a debt is created, somebody has to pay.
To pay a debt the debtor must have the ability to pay.
A person cannot pay a dept, when that person is in debt and can’t pay his or her own debt.
A perfect example of this ripped out of current news. The President wants to “forgive” student loans. This is impossible! The debt exist, money was spent, now the only way to cancel the debt is for ‘somebody’ to pay it. If the students does not pay, then someone else must pay it. The debt must be satisfied before it can go away. Be it the students or tax money, it must be paid. If the debt is not paid then the loaning bank is out the money and has to adsorb the loss and they are paying.
In the beginning God created Adam and he was perfect and without sin, and he was God’s friend, but later when he, and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, sin entered the world. This sin is a debt that must be paid, as long as people have been on Earth, all have sinned. The penalty for sin is death, and we all die, but the debt cannot be satisfied because we are all guilty and deserve death. This sin is passed down the generations through what I call “the sin gene” and it passes through the man.
When Jesus was born, he had no Earthly Father, his Mother was a virgin. Jesus was without sin, so He is the only person who did not deserve to die for his own sins. Jesus, out of love, allowed himself to be put to death to pay the price for our sins, to satisfy our debt. When we accept Jesus and his dying for our sins, our debt is paid and we can go before our Heavenly Father as sinless, our debt has been paid.
Once a debt is created, somebody must pay. If I loan you $100, I have paid out the money. Until it is repaid, the debt cannot be canceled, not until ‘someone’ pays my $100 back. Until it is repaid, I am out the $100, but it can only be repaid by someone who does not also owe me money and has no ability to pay their own debt.
It is a natural, universal law that once a debt is created, the ONLY way to make the debt go away, is for it to be paid. ‘Somebody’ must pay, A debt cannot be forgiven nor erased, it exist until paid.
Jesus paid our sin debt, if we claim it.
A fact many Christians do not realize: The entire Bible revolves around the coming of, and the death of Jesus. The Bible starts with how sin came into the world, and it follows the history of sin and the institution of a blood sacrifice, all pointing to Jesus. When Jesus was born it caused the history of the world to change and He provided a way to escape the penalty (Spiritual death) of sin and offered adoption into Gods family. The coming of Christ is the hub of humanity, and the entire Bible is centered on this. It should also be noted that once Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice. Temple sacrifices stopped… not a choice, it just happened and remains so until this day.